To understand this better it can be helpful to explore how and where the various parts of the digestive system interact with skin conditions such as rosacea, psoriasis or eczema.
Rosacea does cause dry skin due to a poorly formed cornified cell envelope and multi-lamellar lipid structure. You need calcium for cell membrane signalling of an intricate process such as the formation of the cornified cell envelope as this external covering protects corneocytes while also working in synergy with the multi-lamellar lipid structure to slow down TEWL. Rosacea affected skins have poor absorption of calcium and Vitamin A, B, K, Omega 3 and 6.
Rosacea is aggravated by topical products as they break down the skins barrier defence systems and lead to cellular inflammation of the immune system. A chronic cutaneous disorder of unknown origin which occurs most commonly in adult-aged individuals. Rosacea is vascular in nature, with characteristic symptoms involving changes of the superficial blood vessels and connective tissue as well as enlarged sebaceous follicles. The affected areas are generally centro-facial skin (cheeks, nose, chin and forehead).
Manifestations include transient or persistent facial erythema, telangiectasia, oedema, non-
follicular papules and pustules. In advanced stages, the nose and eyes may also become involved. Women are affected 2-3 times more than men, men are affected more severely and progress to advanced stages more often than women. The erythema of rosacea is apparently aggravated by chronic sun exposure and photo-damage. Exposing facial skin to sources of radiant heat reproduces the erythema.